Sunday, September 19, 2004

Broadcast News Commits Suicide!

Last night on Fox News Watch, among Neal Gabler's first words was the argument that {paraphrasing, with my emphasis}, "The Cable News channels haven't taken-over the major networks, Cable hasn't killed the broadcast networks - they've committed SUICIDE!"

I thought, "What a great truth!” However, I had no more begun to savor the moment when the same orifice those words came from spewed something resembling, "...and anyway, Cable News isn't real news, it's OPINION!"

I thought, “This guy’s a real dork, and almost a girly-dork at that!” As I listened to more, it became apparent the he was just another leftie, born with his logic reservoir about one quart low.

The whole RatherGate thing is because CBS and Mr. Rather have forgotten that their responsibility is to report facts, and NOT opinion. Most of us can honestly say that our grandmothers watched CBS’s Walter Cronkite, or NBC’s Huntley-Brinkley Report. And by-god, if Walter Cronkite said something was true, it was true! “Reader’s Digest” held the same authority – “If Reader’s Digest” prints it, it’s a fact!”

I’m now 55, and until RatherGate, I would have agreed only that the broadcast guys “spin” the news to suit their view, but I would have bet against the very idea that they’d actually lie. (Yeah, the “booing” thing with AP helped remove the film from my eyes…)


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