From Michelle Malkin:
Not a word about the 1,400-year-plus history of Islamic hostility to the West or Islamic imperialism from time immemorial or the Koran-inspired war on infidels--long, long before there was a United States and "pervasive anti-US sentiment."
Remember what I said yesterday?
If our intelligence agencies are laboring under the moonbat illusion that Muslim hatred of the infidel West didn't really start bubbling until the year 2003, we are really in deep, deep doo-doo.
Well, it appears we are, in fact, in deep doo-doo.
...and from Glenn Reynolds:
THE NIE HAS BEEN DECLASSIFIED: Go here for the "Key Judgments."
Bill First comments here. And John Podhoretz has a question for the NYT editors now that we know what the NIE actually says.
It's late but I'll add one more thought: While we should fire the leakers on general principles, we should probably also fire whoever wrote this -- for producing a meaningless document full of empty bureaucratic twaddle. If the jihadists win, they'll have more prestige! And they will probably use the internets! Do tell. Jesus Christ, if this is the quality of intelligence we're getting, no wonder we haven't won yet.
Yep, - we're in deeeeeeeep doo-doo!
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