Tuesday, August 23, 2005

This Is Cool!

Spc. Jennifer Fitts explains why she is a soldier and remains in the army.

Over the years, I’ve tried putting it in plain words, with various degrees of success.I’m a patriot, yes, but it’s more than a deep and abiding love of my country and a need to give back to her somehow that keeps me in the Army.It’s not the pay; although for the first time in my adult life I am totally out of debt and living more than just barely above the poverty level.It’s not the education benefits, since I earned them after my first enlistment. The GI Bill is a lovely thing, but it’s not why I stay.It’s not the medical care necessarily, since as a National Guard member, I don’t get many medical bennies when I’m not activated.It’s the people – the Soldiers. The good, the bad and the indifferent.It’s that human factor that reaches out, across backgrounds and educations and lives, and binds us together.No matter how fragile those bonds seem, they’re still there and they’re everlasting.