Wednesday, September 22, 2004

OpinionJournal - Featured Article

OpinionJournal - Featured Article: "The line about making Iraq 'the world's responsibility' was perhaps the most revealing in Mr. Kerry's speech. Whereas John F. Kennedy's Democrats pledged to 'pay any price, bear any burden' in the promotion and defense of liberty, today's Vietnam-scarred party sees little or no special role for American providence in the world. And the world knows it. Such statements risk encouraging our Baathist and jihadist enemies in their belief that we lack staying power. Likewise, they signal to our potential Iraqi allies that it would be wise to avoid choosing sides until November.
Let us be clear: We're not questioning Mr. Kerry's patriotism or his right to make an issue of Iraq. But let's not kid ourselves either that the words of Presidential candidates don't have consequences."

-{all emphasis is mine}