Wednesday, September 29, 2004

John Kerry's Secret Plan for His New DRAFT!

A New Era of National Service

"John Kerry Outlines Plan to Require Service for High School Students

Part of "100 days Plan to Enlist One Million Americans in National Service A Year "

On September 11th, 2001, America experienced the most terrible and deadly attack in its history. John Kerry believes we need to think big and do better and get more young Americans serving the nation.

As part of his 100 day plan to change America, John Kerry will propose a comprehensive service plan that includes requiring mandatory service for high school students and four years of college tuition in exchange for two years of national service."

{emphasis is mine}

The above is cached at The JohnKerry web site no longer contains the posting. It does have an edited posting that does NOT contain the words, "...requiring mandatory service for high school students" In fact, my searching his current postings on the subject fails to find any reference to "high school". See for yourself: National Service Plan

Why did the posted version change? Is he trying to hide the ..."mandatory service for High School Students?" Or did he just change his mind - was this a tack or a jibe?

How to Correct a Mistake: A Lesson in Journalism from The National Geographic Magazine

From the Editor: A Special Message

In the July 2004 issue of National Geographic, we published a story about elephant hunting in Tanzania by the Barabaig people.

To our profound disappointment, we have learned that we were misled by the photographer and that three of the published photographs do not accurately depict the situation described in the accompanying text.

On pages 78-9 (photograph above), the picture caption reads that hunters are carrying "tusks taken from an elephant found dead in the bush." Soon after the article was published, several readers pointed out that there are faint but unmistakable numbers on the tusk on page 78—which we failed to notice before publishing the story. We now know that the tusks belong to the Tanzania Department of Wildlife. When we asked photographer Gilles Nicolet to explain, he admitted that he himself had supplied the tusks to the hunters after borrowing them from local wildlife authorities.

{read the whole thing}

Bravo! Bravo! It's admissions like yours, and unfortunately non-admissions by others that causes us to question the credibility of our information sources. I'm heartened to see you'all are still to be among the shrinking group of trusted sources!

- PajamaGuy

Friday, September 24, 2004

The Washington Times: Inside the Beltway - September 24, 2004

By John McCaslin

Kerry out attack
During a 1997 debate on CNN's 'Crossfire,' Sen. John Kerry, now the Democratic presidential nominee, made the case for launching a pre-emptive attack against Iraq.

So reveals Rep. Peter King, New York Republican, who appeared with Mr. Kerry on the program.

Mr. King says the U.N. Security Council had just adopted a resolution against Iraq that was watered down at the behest of the French and the Russians. Yet the candidate who now criticizes President Bush for ignoring French and Russian objections to the Iraq war blasted the two countries, claiming that they were compromised by their business dealings with Baghdad.

"We know we can't count on the French. We know we can't count on the Russians," said Mr. Kerry. "We know that Iraq is a danger to the United States, and we reserve the right to take pre-emptive action whenever we feel it's in our national interest." While no "Crossfire" transcripts from 1997 are available, Mr. King in recent days produced a tape of the show, sharing it with New York radio host Monica Crowley for broadcast, and this Inside the Beltway column for publication. Stay tuned. "

{emphasis is mine -PjP}

COUNTERCOLUMN: All Your Bias Are Belong to Us

"No wonder Kerry left the cookie business. The guy couldn't sell an Ice cube to a bedouin.

'I laid out a plan which will help America protect our troops,' he says. 'We need to bring other allies to the table.'

Ok. So you want other nation's leaders to expend political capital and treasure and send their lads to risk their lives along with theirs.

So why don't you act like it? Why aren't you trying to sell the deal?"

{IraqNow...pretty good blogsite!}

The Story That Didn’t Run

2 days ago, this story ran on - It's about Dan's 60 Min team having the story "...a half-hour segment about how the U.S. government was snookered by forged documents purporting to show Iraqi efforts to purchase uranium from Niger."

‘60 Minutes’ killed it for its report on the Bush Guard documents

Neither myself, nor my friends have seen a word about this anywhere but on MSNBC. Are we just blind?

Handed-Over or Faxed?

"He said, however, that during the meeting in which he gave the memos to CBS, he was also told by a producer that his phone number would be passed on to Kerry adviser Joe Lockhart."

Ok, so maybe I missed it somewhere. I've seen several references to "handing" the documents to CBS during a meeting. If that's true, why all the fuss about the Kinko's FAX information at the top of the docs?

Does it matter?

Thursday, September 23, 2004

"...a couple of things that won't make it to the news"

{I clipped this post from Hugh Hewitt. I take no credit for it. However all emphasis is mine}

Another e-mail from another Marine officer retruned from Iraq, who forwarded a report from Iraq, this time from an Army captain:
" Dear friends,

In the wake of all the unbelievable things that are being said about this war right now in the media, I thought that I might pass along a couple of things that won't make it to the news.

First, I would like to remind you all about the actual size of this country. It (Iraq)is roughly the size of California. Baghdad is the biggest city with a population of about 6 million, so it is a little bit bigger than Los Angeles. The reason why I tell you that is because the media is leading you all to believe that this entire country is "tumbling into complete chaos."

Please don't believe that! What is happening in Baghdad and parts of Fallujah and Sammarah (A combined total population of 7 million) does not reflect what is being done around the whole country. It reminds me of the time when I was stationed at Fort Ord, CA early on in my Army career. I was talking to a friend of mine from back east and she said, "Don, are you alright? I mean, are you safe?"

A little puzzled, I replied, "Yeah, I'm fine, why do you ask? " "Well, I heard about all the violence that is happening lately in Los Angeles and I wanted to know that you were OK," she said. "Uh, thanks, " I said with a smile that must have went right through the phone. "You do know that Los Angeles is almost 350 miles away right?"

But she had never been to California. To her it was all the same. But ask a person who lives in Northern California and they will tell you that their part of the state is VERY different from Southern California.

And the same is true in Iraq. What is happening in Baghdad does not reflect what is happening in Southern Iraq where the UK brigade are continuing to "win the hearts and minds" of the people in Al Basrah and Al Hillah. Or ask my friend Jake who is stationed near An Nasiriyah. In one of his emails to me, he sent me a picture of him riding on a camel and this statement, "Here's me doing some crazy stuff with some of the locals. They are great people and so friendly. 90% of this country are people like these who simply want a safe country to live in. "

You see, the violence that is reported in and around the largest city in this country overshadows the incredible things that are being done by the Republic of Korea Army in the northern town of Irbil. Does anybody out there know that currently Iraq is the 2nd most heavily mined country in the world and that there are over 130 de-mining projects going on in the border towns between Iraq and Iran? Do the reporters do stories about the half a million tons of captured enemy ammunition that we have destroyed, never to be put into the hands of evil men again? Or the thousands of minefields that are being cleared everyday so little children in cities like Irbil, Kirkuk, and Halabjah can play and run in the fields with no fear of accidentally stepping on a mine ?

For security reasons, I can 't disclose all the operations that are going on right now, but you need to know that we are still here, are in the fight, and are ready to do whatever it takes to see this country succeed. And I still believe, with all my heart, that the majority of people here want us here. They may feel like we are occupiers, but they also understand it is necessary for the time being . I guess I don 't know how else to say it. It's just frustrating because I 'm the one over here. I see the work that we are doing. I listen to the daily operations briefs. I read the intel summaries. And I can say as a former history major who studied all of the major wars we have fought in, this is not another Vietnam. Even though I am just a Captain on a Corps level staff, you have to take my word on that.

But let me get back to the original reason of why I am writing you.
Last night at Bible Study, many of my friends were praising the Lord for some "near misses." There was my dear friend Erika , a signal officer for one of the military intelligence battalions on post. She shared that their sister battalion had made the decision to drive to the qualification range about ten miles from base. Well, in light of the insurgent activity that has happened in the last week, you can probably guess (sic) what happened. Their convoy was attacked with an IED and small arms. Through tears of joy, she told us about her friend who was the convoy commander. The explosion from the IED sent shrapnel through their vehicle. One piece went right past his head so close that he heard the whistling of it in his ear. It dug three inches into the back of the vehicle. Miraculously, no one was hurt.

Then there was our friend Gary who has to travel down to the International Zone (IZ) every day. As you may have heard on the news, we have had a surge in VBIEDs this month. Last Satu rday , there were two that exploded within 30 minutes of each other on a two mile stretch of road going to the IZ. Gary told us that he praises the Lord for His protection because he missed the first VBIED because it exploded 10 minutes before him, and the second exploded 10 minutes after him. He just wanted to praise the Lord for the angels that God had around his vehicle and that He is the one who controls time as well.

But my favorite story to tell you is the one that Natalie shared. She told us about a convoy that was traveling in Baghdad yesterday and it was hit by an IED. Unfortunately, one of the vehicles was so close to the seat of the explosion that it injured two of the soldiers in the vehicle. A Mercedes who had passed the convoy, saw the explosion in his rear view mirror and turned around to double back. When he got there, he got out of his car to help. The soldiers, all pulling security now as the medic tried to tend to the wounded, pointed their weapons at him, unsure of his intentions. The Iraqi man put up his hands and said in broken English, "I'm here to help!" He pointed to his cell phone in his hand. "Please tell me who I should call for help." The soldiers lowered their weapons and gave him the number to call. In the meantime, another vehicle came up behind the convoy. An Iraqi man ran over to the exploded vehicle where the soldier lay on the ground. With his hands raised as well, he told them, "I am a doctor, please let me help." With tears in her eyes, Natalie told us that he probably saved that soldier's life.

My friends, I know that there are evil people over here. Zarqawi and his men seem to have this country in a terror that is something out of a B-rate horror movie, complete with machetes and beheadings. But they are a minority that knows how to play to the media! And these evil people don't simply target the military. Were they to do so, I might have a little respect for them as they would consider themselves Freedom Fighters attempting to fight their formidable foe. But they don't care who they fight or who they kill. They lash out at anyone who does not believe the way they do - to include innocent Muslims.

A couple of days ago I received an email from a friend expressing her concern for the bombings that have been going on over here. Her simple question was, "Will it ever end?" To that I say that I believe it will end. When? I don't know. But I stand with my Commander-in-Chief and say that we should stay the course. The only exit strategy we should have is one where Iraq is a free, democratic, self-governing country in good relations with its neighbors, and its citizens enjoy the freedom of traveling the highways free of exploding cars, and devoid of terrorists who have come to see Iraq as their playground.

Finally, below my signature block, I have included an interview written by an Iraqi web blogger named A.Y.S. He was swimming in the Olympic Pool in Baghdad recently and ran into an Iraqi Soccer player. I thought his last comments on how he wishes the media would report everything - good and bad - was great. If you get the chance, I would encourage you to read it, and maybe check out his website, .

Thank you all again for your continued prayers and encouraging responses. Whenever I get down, I think about all of you, and I'm proud to be here serving for you. May God continue to bless our great nation, and may He give you peace.

Your faithful soldier in the Lord,

Don "

Akreem Sabeeh:

Yesterday I was in AlHurriya Olympic Swimming Pool together with my friends, while we were there, the Iraqi soccer team alternates entered the place with the goalkeepers coach Ahmed Jasim.. I met one of the players, Akram Sabeeh, the goalkeeper and talked for few minutes, then I asked some questions and told him that I'd publish his words on the internet and he's agreed, so I gladly began my questions:
A: What do you feel when you play now? I think there's a difference than those days during the ex-regime?

Akram: look, I was seriously afraid when I was playing, they were really horrible days under Uday, I was afraid to do anything that might be misunderstood and the result would be the jail. Now, I feel free when I play soccer, I feel that I'm playing to improve myself and never afraid of anyone.

A: So you feel that you are free now?
Akram: of course free.

A: Have you ever been jailed?
Akram: Yes, for 10 days.

A: What for?
Akram: Because I shouted at the referee!

A: Isn't it a humiliating act to be jailed for this reason?
Akram: Yes, but Uday was enjoying doing so, I might be lucky to be jailed only, other players were being beaten severely, tortured and many other brutal acts, you've heard about that?

A:Yes..let's forget what was Uday doing... what about the economical status? Akram: my salary was 20$ and now it is 200$.

A: wonderful..multiplied by 10..
Akram: Yes, I can think in my future now!

A: So what was wrong with other Olympic players, they were so upset when they were shown on the TV after each game, they kept repeating: occupation, targeting the cities..etc, they blamed on the Americans for that, what do you think?
Akram: Well..they were saying this cause they were watching what was going on in AlNajaf and previously in Fallujah, they felt that the families were being killed everyday.

A: And do you believe that?
Akram: We are watching all of that on the channels.

A: Have you ever watched some good news regarding Iraq on those channels?
Akram: Frankly...Never!

A: So those channels intentionally collect the bad news and exaggerate in most of them and play with our emotions to achieve their goal, and they've succeeded in that with some people..if they are honest they had better look at the good changes also.
Akram: Yes, you are right, we cry and get angry as we watch those channels!..........................

Unfortunately, Akram's friend called and we've finished our conversation..

Akram: Excuse me..I have to go now..nice to meet you..
A: Thank you very much Akram..

Well, I could ignore all those questions, and ask him directly showing some bored and upset facial expressions: 'DO YOU ACCEPT..what's going on in your country now? Chaos, explosions, bombing the cities...what do you think..isn't it miserable?' !! I could make all the conversation full of hatred and pessimistic views! I mean, you have to hear the question of the reporter and the manner of asking the players before you judge the players' opinions.. Those journalists ask according to what they want to hear or according to what is needed from them. The reporters should be honest and fair in dealing with the people in Iraq, it's a temporary critical period, and they have to help and support the Iraqis to stand against terrorism and build their country. Unfortunately, there are few of them."

Front Lines: Kerry's Withdrawal Date Puts Us At Risk

Captain's Quarters: "Front Lines: Kerry's Withdrawal Date Puts Us At Risk
As part of our new feature (which will use the Heroes category for archiving, CQ received this e-mail yesterday from Bruce, which actually appeared first in our comments section. Bruce received this timely message from his son, an Army Captain in Iraq who is working to train Iraqi security forces so they can stand on their own. Given the recent targeting of enlistment and training facilities by terrorists, Bruce's son might be sympathetic to Kerry's insistence on telling the world we're leaving. Not so (bolded portions are my emphasis):

I also wonder if Senator Kerry realizes that he is partially responsible for the recent upswing in violence. This, by the way, is not speculation... this is
straight from one of my interpreter's mouth.

When Senator Kerry said that, if elected, he would pull us out of here in four years, the insurgent leadership had a rousing round of celebratory automatic weapons fire. The insurgents can easily hang out another four years, taking 10 casualties here, 3 there and they know it. And they know that a massive upswing in violence with resulting casualties will make President Bush look really bad and increase the Senator's chances of election.

So, Senator Kerry, would you like to explain to me how your announcement was supposed to make my life better? He screwed us and I will never forget that. Should I ever get the chance to be in his presence, I will be more than happy to let him know that. I can think of about 22 guys who will never get the chance and I owe it to them.

Bruce, please pass our thanks along to your son for his service to the US. If you are currently serving in Iraq or Afghanistan and want to share your view of how our missions are doing there, or you have a family member who sends you e-mail which gives a different point of view than what we get from the mainstream media, please e-mail Captain's Quarters at frontlines*at* We need your real name in order to verify input, but unless we're asked we will not identify American servicepeople.

CLARIFICATION: Unless we're asked by the sender to identify them in the post, we will not do so."

Wednesday, September 22, 2004

OpinionJournal - Featured Article

OpinionJournal - Featured Article: "The line about making Iraq 'the world's responsibility' was perhaps the most revealing in Mr. Kerry's speech. Whereas John F. Kennedy's Democrats pledged to 'pay any price, bear any burden' in the promotion and defense of liberty, today's Vietnam-scarred party sees little or no special role for American providence in the world. And the world knows it. Such statements risk encouraging our Baathist and jihadist enemies in their belief that we lack staying power. Likewise, they signal to our potential Iraqi allies that it would be wise to avoid choosing sides until November.
Let us be clear: We're not questioning Mr. Kerry's patriotism or his right to make an issue of Iraq. But let's not kid ourselves either that the words of Presidential candidates don't have consequences."

-{all emphasis is mine}

The Wedding Dress

A much married woman walked into a bridal shop one day and told the sales clerk that she was looking for a wedding gown for her fourth Wedding."Well", replied the sales clerk, "exactly what type of dress are you looking for?"The bride to be said:, "A long frilly white dress with a veil."

The sales clerk didn't know quite what to say but she finally said, "Frankly, madam, gowns of that nature are considered more appropriate for brides who are being married the first time, for those who are a bit more innocent, if you know what I mean?""Well" replied the customer, more than a little put out, "I can assure you that I am as innocent as the rest of them.

Believe it or not, despite all my marriages, I remain as innocent as any first time bride.""You see, my first husband was so excited about our wedding he died as we were checking into our hotel.

My second husband and I got into a terrible fight in the limo on our way to the reception. We haven't spoken since. We had that wedding annulled, immediately."

"What about your third husband?" asked the sales clerk:."Well" said the woman, "he was a Democrat. Every night for four years he just sat on the edge of the bed and told me how good it was going to be."

OBITUARY - "Mr. Common Sense"

{I don't know the source...}

Today we mourn the passing of a beloved old friend by the name of Common Sense, who has been with us for many years. No one knows for sure how old he was since his birth records were long lost in bureaucratic red tape.

He will be remembered as having cultivated such valuable lessons as knowing when to come in out of the rain, why the early bird gets the worm and that life isn't always fair. Common Sense lived by simple, sound financial policies (don't spend more than you earn) and reliable parenting strategies (adults, not kids, are in charge).

His health began to rapidly deteriorate when well intentioned but overbearing regulations were set in place. Reports of a six-year-old boy charged with sexual harassment for kissing a classmate; teens suspended from school for using mouthwash after lunch; and a teacher fired for reprimanding an unruly student, only worsened his condition.

It declined even further when schools were required to get parental consent to administer aspirin to a student; but, could not inform the parents when student became pregnant and wanted to have an abortion.

Finally, Common Sense lost the will to live as the Ten Commandments became contraband; churches became businesses; and criminals received better treatment than their victims.

Common Sense gave up the ghost after a woman failed to realize that a steaming cup of coffee was hot, she spilled a bit in her lap, and was awarded a huge settlement.

Common Sense was preceded in death by his parents, Truth and Trust, his wife, Discretion; his daughter, Responsibility; and his son, Reason. He is survived by two step-brothers; My Rights and Ima Whiner.

Not many attended his funeral because so few realized he was gone. If you remember him pass this on, if not join the majority and do nothing.

MSNBC - CBS names two to probe Bush story

MSNBC - CBS names two to probe Bush story: "NEW YORK - CBS News appointed former U.S. Attorney General Dick Thornburgh and former Associated Press chief executive Louis Boccardi to investigate what went wrong with its story on President Bush's service in the National Guard."

Yeah, like I'll trust an AP guy... Booooooo!

Tuesday, September 21, 2004

MSNBC - S. Korean who met Kerry aides was a spy

MSNBC - S. Korean who met Kerry aides was a spy: "WASHINGTON - A South Korean embassy official who met with John Kerry fund-raisers to talk about creating a political group for Korean-Americans was in fact a spy for his country, raising concerns among U.S. officials that he or Seoul may have tried to influence the fall presidential election."
A spokesman for the South Korean consulate office said Chung was sent home in May amid “speculation” he became involved with the Kerry campaign and Democratic Party through contacts with fund-raiser Rick Yi and that his identity couldn’t be discussed further.

Yi had worked in the Clinton White House as a military attache, and eventually went into business in the Atlanta area with the son of disgraced former South Korean President Chun Doo-hwan. Yi began raising money for Kerry in 2003 and raised about $500,000 for Democratic causes.

- emphasis is mine...


If we agree that the docs we've seen and the ones CBS posted were 20th or so generation copies - who did the false aging?

Where and when did Burkett actually say that what "Lucy" gave him were originals?

- PajamaGuy

Monday, September 20, 2004

RatherGate - Nobody Dies, Nobody Goes to Jail!

Everybody gets home free!!! Slightly ruffled, a bit tarnished, but it will play as, "Boy, are we embarrassed!"

Mr. Burkett, after talking with Cleland, gang-emailed a bunch of folks in a Yahoo group for democrats. Mysteriously, Mr. Burkett later received some documents via US Postal Service. No note, no return address. Based on what Mr. Burkett believed, and wanted to believe, the docs looked real enough!

He faxed them to CBS. Mapes called back and Burkett assures her they're real, just like the ones he saw in a trash can. Somebody must have salvaged some of Killian's paperwork and sent it to him.

So they go to press.

Rather comes on tonight and says, "Folks, we're sure embarrassed! Somebody sent Mr. Burkett real-enough-looking documents, and he sent them to us. We had experts tell us they were real and we went to press believing they were real. They now appear not to be real. We're sorry and we've taken steps to improve our verification processes. Even though we aspire to the highest standards of journalism, we're not perfect, we sometimes make mistakes. I assure you there was no intent to report any falsehoods. - Courage!"

U.S.P.S. First? ..... Then Fax!

I'm a bit confused....

"...Emily Will, a documents expert approached by CBS to examine the memos, told NEWSWEEK that she was told by a CBS News producer that the network's source had received the memos anonymously through the mail..."

If CBS's source was Burkett in Abilene via fax, does this mean Burkett received the docs via USPS? Who was the bright young MS Word wizard on the other end who created the docs, and who did he/she work for? We know Burkett didn't do the typing; the phrasing and abbreviations are wrong, he only reviewed them and then faxed them to CBS..Maybe we'll never know. Burkett gang-emailed a bunch of Dems around the time he talked to Cleland - let's blame it on one of them! I'll bet Rather & Burkett say Burkett received the docs in the mail anonymously!!

Then, other than Ms. Mapes getting a hand-slap for not properly verifying the authenticity of the docs - everybody is home free! Maybe a little embarassed, but home free!

(.... or was it CBS who mailed the docs to Burkett for validation???? Damn! Now I have to think some more...)

Sunday, September 19, 2004

Broadcast News Commits Suicide!

Last night on Fox News Watch, among Neal Gabler's first words was the argument that {paraphrasing, with my emphasis}, "The Cable News channels haven't taken-over the major networks, Cable hasn't killed the broadcast networks - they've committed SUICIDE!"

I thought, "What a great truth!” However, I had no more begun to savor the moment when the same orifice those words came from spewed something resembling, "...and anyway, Cable News isn't real news, it's OPINION!"

I thought, “This guy’s a real dork, and almost a girly-dork at that!” As I listened to more, it became apparent the he was just another leftie, born with his logic reservoir about one quart low.

The whole RatherGate thing is because CBS and Mr. Rather have forgotten that their responsibility is to report facts, and NOT opinion. Most of us can honestly say that our grandmothers watched CBS’s Walter Cronkite, or NBC’s Huntley-Brinkley Report. And by-god, if Walter Cronkite said something was true, it was true! “Reader’s Digest” held the same authority – “If Reader’s Digest” prints it, it’s a fact!”

I’m now 55, and until RatherGate, I would have agreed only that the broadcast guys “spin” the news to suit their view, but I would have bet against the very idea that they’d actually lie. (Yeah, the “booing” thing with AP helped remove the film from my eyes…)

Saturday, September 18, 2004

What's In A Name?

The Pajama Press?

9/18 - I was reading "THE POWER OF THE BLOGOSPHERE: THE SEAL TRACKERS" by John S at his LeanWrite blog. I will be using his article as a great explanation of how the Internet, this "WWW" thing, the "Blogosphere"... working...