MSNBC Headline - "CIA waterboarded 9/11 plotter 183 times"
The New York Times reported in 2007 that Mr. Mohammed had been barraged more than 100 times with harsh interrogation methods, causing C.I.A. officers to worry that they might have crossed legal limits and to halt his questioning.
The 2005 memo also says that the C.I.A. used waterboarding 183 times in March 2003 against Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, the self-described planner of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.
Aren't you glad we live in a country where it's O.K. to complain about the treatment this dude got at the hands of the CIA? This asshole admits, and is proud of, planning the 9/11 attacks which killed almost 3,000 people, yet the NYT is upset because we stuck his head underwater 183 times.
Let's put his head in the toilet and flush it once for every father who died in the attack. Lets flush it twice for every mom who was killed. Nope, we can't do that - it's "torture".