Sunday, May 27, 2007

A Few Good Things - (source)


A Few Good Things

(Stolen from Chris Muir)

Today in Iraq:

  1. 47 Countries have re-established embassies
  2. 38 New schools have been completed
  3. 268 New schools are under construction
  4. 364 Schools are being renovated
  5. 3,100 Schools have been renovated
  6. 20 Universities are open
  7. 40 Colleges are operating
  8. 4 Research centers are also open
  9. 3,500 New Iraqi police officers graduate every 8 weeks
  10. 1,100 Building projects are underway
  11. 96% of Iraqi children under age 5 have received polio vaccinations
  12. 4,300,000 Iraqi children are in primary school right now
  13. 2,000,000 New phone subscribers
  14. 180 Newspapers
  15. 75 Radio stations
  16. 10 TV stations

Just thought it should be recorded...